Pollination and Plant Reproduction

Completed in class on Wednesday, April 24th 

Today we are going to learn further about pollination and plant reproduction. This is the last large chunk of information that you will find on your benchmark. Congrats, you're almost there!


  1. Open the following document: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B70rTTLWa6vzX0VZcDF2LTY0UU0/edit?usp=sharing 
  2. Complete the instructions found in the document as we record our plant observations. 
  3. If technological problems occur, below are the links to the resources you will need to complete this in-class activity.
    1. http://www.mbgnet.net/bioplants/pollination.html 
    2. http://counties.cce.cornell.edu/cayuga/Env/environmental/Plant-Insect%20Interactions%20Lesson%20Plan.pdf