Pollination and Plant Reproduction

Completed in class on Wednesday, April 24th 

Today we are going to learn further about pollination and plant reproduction. This is the last large chunk of information that you will find on your benchmark. Congrats, you're almost there!


  1. Open the following document: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B70rTTLWa6vzX0VZcDF2LTY0UU0/edit?usp=sharing 
  2. Complete the instructions found in the document as we record our plant observations. 
  3. If technological problems occur, below are the links to the resources you will need to complete this in-class activity.
    1. http://www.mbgnet.net/bioplants/pollination.html 
    2. http://counties.cce.cornell.edu/cayuga/Env/environmental/Plant-Insect%20Interactions%20Lesson%20Plan.pdf 

Earth Day Video Science Starter

The video can also be found here

Midway is the best known of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. During World War II, Midway served as an important naval air station and submarine base. These days it's a different scene. Nearly two million birds of 19 species nest on Midway. Among them is the largest colony of Laysan albatrosses in the world, which is what today's lesson will focus on. 

Answer these three questions in your science journal:
  1. Of the objects that were found in the deceased birds, which one surprised you the most? 
  2. How do we contribute to the deaths of the birds? 
  3. What can you do to prevent problems like this in Hawaii?

Parts of a Flower

Completed in class on 4/11 

Your task is to create a foldable that will display the parts of a flower and describe the role of each part. This information will be important to include and will help your prepare and perform well on your benchmark. See me for a blank flower foldable.

Your task:

  1. View the presentation here
  2. Label your flower diagram with the correct terms
  3. Include the presented information on the inside of your foldable.

If you finish this activity, explore the following:
  1. Plants Rock Song (tune to Party Rock Anthem) (headphones)
  2. Parts of the plant and their function
  3. Parts of a plant song (use headphones)

Main Groups of Plants: Nonvascular and Vascular Plants

Completed in class on 4/10.

Completed worksheet as discussed in class; See me for a blank copy 

Prezi: Non Vascular Plants Introduction

Completed in class on 4/8.

This resource introduces a type of plants, called nonvascular plants. These plants lack the tissues that allow water and nutrients to be transported throughout the plant. These plants are commonly found in damp places and are similar to "sponges". 

View the Prezi presentation here

Week 1: Plant Unit

Hello 7th Graders! 

 You will find all of the documents and links we will use during the plant unit. If you are absent from class or misplace a resource, check here to receive a copy. 

Best of luck and I can't wait to learn more about plants! 
Miss Reynolds